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Lab members

"Individually we are one drop, together we are an Ocean"
Ryunosuke Satoro

Marçal Vilar

Lab Director

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Biographical sketch


Marçal Vilar received a degree from the University of Valencia (UV), Spain, in Chemistry in 1995. He earned a Ph.D. degree in the same University in 2002. His graduate studies were with the late Dr. E. Pérez-Payá "Quique" at UV (Very sadly Quique passed away last May 27th, 2013) and Dr. J.F. Marcos at IATA-CSIC in Peptide Biochemistry. From 2001-2003 Dr. Vilar was a Post-Doctoral fellow in Prof. Dr. Carlos Ibañez Molecular Neurobiology lab at the Institute Karolinska, in Stockholm, Sweden. There he devoted to the study of p75 neurotrophic factor receptor signaling. In 2003, Dr. Vilar moved to California, where he was a Research Associate at the Structural Biology laboratory of Dr. Roland Riek (now at the ETH Zurich) at The Salk Institute in La Jolla, doing research on p75ICD structure/function studies and on synuclein amyloid fibrils by NMR. In 2006 Dr. Vilar returned to Spain with a Juan de la Cierva fellowship from the Spanish Government to the Membrane Protein lab of Dr. Ismael Mingarro in the UV. In 2008, he moved for a Staff Scientist position at the Spanish Cancer Center (CNIO) in Madrid in the laboratory of Dr. Angel Nebreda (now at IRB Barcelona), studying protein structure and cell cycle regulation.  He got a Ramón y Cajal award position in 2009. In November 2009 he got a permanent position at the Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) in the Campus of Majadahonda (Madrid, Spain). In 2016 he changed Research Institution moving to the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) at the Institute of Biomedicine in Valencia (IBV-CSIC), a position that currently occupies, as a group leader in the Unit of Molecular Basis of Neurodegeneration.




1990-1995 Undergraduate studies at the University of Valencia. Chemistry.

1995-1997 Assistant Professor University of Valencia.

1997-2002 PhD degree at the University of Valencia. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Labs of Enrique Pérez-Payá and José F. Marcos.

2000 EMBO Short Term fellowship scientist visitor. The University of Stockholm. Prof. Gunnar von Heijne.

2001-2003 PostDoctoral Research. Karolinska Institutet. Stockholm. Prof. Carlos Ibañez.

2003-2006 Research Associate The Salk Institute. La Jolla. Prof. Dr. Roland Riek

2006-2008 Juan de la Cierva Researcher. The University of Valencia. Lab of Prof. Dr. Isamel Mingarro

2008-2009 Staff Scientist. Spanish Cancer Center, CNIO. Madrid. Prof. Dr. Angel Nebreda

2009-2016 P.I. Neurodegeneration laboratory. Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII).

2016- present P.I. Molecular Basis of Neurodegeneration. Spanish Research Council (CSIC).


Dr. María Luisa Franco


I'm from Peru. I studied Sanitary Biology at the Unisversity of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid). I joined the MVLab for my Master Degree from the University Complutense of Madrid.

I did my PhD @MVLab, on the mechanism of activation of TrkA and its interaction with p75.

My current Project is to study the Syncitia Formation of S spike protein from Sars-Cov-2


Juan Julian Escribano

PhD Student

I'm from a small village close to Cuenca, in the La Mancha region of Spain. I studied Biology at the Univesity of València. I did my Master thesis at the University of Granada. I joined the MVLab in 2019 to start my PhD. I study the role of p75 in cholinergic neurons.


Andrea Benito

PhD Student

I'm from València. 

Former Members


Alba Aguilar

Graduate Student (2021-2022)

I'm a student at the Biotechnology School of the University of València. I joined the lab in October 2021 to do my Degree Thesis on p75 and cholesterol.


Raquel Comaposada

PhD Student (2017-2022)

I'm from Girona (Catalunya). I studied Biology at the University of Barcelona. I did my Master degree at the University of València. I joined the MVLab in 2017. I did my PhD on the role of p75 in the cholinergic neurons of basal forebrain @MVLab.

Current address: Andreas Toft-Sorensen Lab (University of Copenhaguen, Danmark)


Lorenzo Ceccarelli

Visiting PhD Student (2021-2022)

I'm from Italy. I'm doing my PhD at the University of Pisa (Italy). I did a short stay (6 months) in the MVLab to study the role of p75 in neural stem cells.

Current Address: University of Pisa (Italy)

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